We had a hard time selecting awards this month as we truly had so many hard workers doing a fantastic job and working long hours, in the end we chose two very deserving people who funnily enough were temping on the same assignment, well done Megan and Marianne.
Marianne says: it’s a busy and interesting role that she is enjoying, the team of ladies were great and being able to work from home is awesome. The role had been quite different from what she would normally do and is loving it as well enjoying working for a NFP organisation where she feels she is making a difference, great team and environment.
Our client had these lovely words on Marianne, she is a ray of sunshine with a huge heart. She has the brains to tackle a complicated system and worked incredibly efficiently. She was always willing to do anything asked of her and put her hand up to help. Her abundant charm, warmth and eloquence worked magic on the phones. I would welcome her back in a heartbeat.
Megan says: When she first started in the role it was like a whirlwind and a little overwhelming being thrown in the deep end while learning 4 new software platforms remotely. However, she found the organisation amazing and loved the environment, everyone believes in what they do and she really enjoyed working with Marietta and the variety the role has to offer.
Our client had these lovely words on Megan has a fantastic sense of humour and positive attitude, even in the face of an overwhelming workload. It has been a delight to work with her both when she was a COVID Concierge doing temperature checks she stood out for the sparkle in her eye, and we all adored her. Then when she joined the fundraising team, we were blown away by how much she could bring to the table. She had the attention to detail to understand challenging things in depth and was a perfect all-rounder that could handle anything. She exceeded expectations in everything she did.