lest we forget
For the first time in almost a century, streets will be empty across Australia this Anzac Day.
With the COVID-19 pandemic forcing services and marches to be cancelled, and residents urged to stay home, it will be a very different Anzac Day. Australians are being encouraged to stand at the end of their driveways or on their balconies and light up the dawn at 6am to commemorate those who served, those who died and those who are still serving.
A service will be broadcast live from the Australian National War Memorial in Canberra on the ABC from 5.30am. There will also be a 10am closed service from Sydney. Both services can also be streamed live on the RSL NSW Facebook page.
It may be even a good idea to make homemade Anzac biscuits
#Anzacathome #Anzacspirit #lightupthedawn