Virtual Grace Gala Night
Join us and many others on Saturday 13 June. It’s lining up to be an incredible evening for this years’ Grace Gala, a virtual night in!
We invite you to put on your best frock (or favourite PJ’s) and enjoy a night of live entertainment and raise funds for the Grace Centre for Newborn Intensive Care at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead and the Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Foundation.
Grace Gala – A Night In to Remember will be hosted by Studio 10s, Angela Bishop and will feature an exclusive silent auction, raffles and pledges. We are so excited that Johnny Ruffo will be performing on the night alongside the incredible Todd McKenney and Rhonda Burchmore. The show will run from 7pm-8pm followed by an afterparty with music from 8pm-9pm.
Tickets are now on sale for $200 per couple and includes 1 x twin pack of Tyrrell’s wine delivered to your door, along with a $30 Menulog voucher (so you can chose your own cuisine) plus one entry into the major raffle to win a 3 night stay in the Hunter Valley for 10 people thanks to Hunter Valley Holiday Homes!
For more information or to purchase tickets online, click here
- Published in News from the PP Team
Temp of the Month

Congratulations Emily Smith, our Temp of the Month for the month of May. Emily has been with her host employer for over 12 months as part of their Administration Team. They praise Emily for her hard work, her supervisor states, ”Emily has been the best find for us. We’re so lucky to have her”.
Emily loves her role and the blend of tasks she has on a daily basis. She loves being part of a team that is supportive and a workplace conveniently located in the area.
We would like to take this opportunity to also thank all of our temporary staff. It has been incredible to see so many of you adjust to your temporary assignments working from home.
We are looking forward to the easing of restrictions and heading back in the office as of Monday 1st June.
- Published in News from the PP Team
Northern Beaches Community & the easing of restrictions
We are so pleased to see a number of restrictions easing, allowing Northern Beaches Council to reopen some of our beloved pools, playgrounds, outdoor gyms and skate parks. It is great to know that as a nation and as a community we have done the right thing and hugely reduced the rate of COVID-19 infection.
As of last Friday, Manly Andrew Boy Charlton and Warringah Aquatic Centre have now reopened, bookings can be made by phoning Manly Andrew Boy Charlton on 8495 5005 and Warringah Aquatic Centre on 9451 8000 with a limit of one person per lane and 45-minute sessions.
We can also now enjoy our beautiful ocean and harbour pools, with a limit of 10 people in the pool at one time. The water temperature has been quite pleasant so a great way to get some laps in during this glorious Autumn weather.
With up to 10 people allowed in outdoor social gatherings and cafes and restaurants, it is a great time to support local businesses. The Beaches Council has also removed the 1-hour parking restrictions which were temporarily in place at all beach car parks. 10-minute parking outside local businesses will remain in force to facilitate takeaway pickups.
Playgrounds and outdoor gyms will re-open with the 10 people limit and social distancing requirements of 1.5m remain in place. It is great that we can use these facilities and ensure to wipe down before and after use.
Michael Regan has recently confirmed that with more than 1200 tests done at the Manly pop up testing centre recently, there has not been a single positive test returned.
With facilities reopening, we can enjoy these new freedoms but keep vigilant for our own health and safety and those in our community.
- Published in News from the PP Team
Updates to JobKeeper and unpaid pandemic leave
The JobKeeper scheme has been amended to support the implementation and operation of the JobKeeper wage subsidy scheme. These changes are temporary and will end on 28 September 2020.
As we already know the JobKeeper scheme helps employers significantly affected by coronavirus to keep paying their employees, by providing a subsidy administered by the Australian Tax Office. The changes also give eligible employers the ability to give certain directions to and make agreements with their eligible employees to help manage their business.
Recent amendments have been made with unpaid pandemic leave & annual leave.
The Fair Work Commission has added a temporary new schedule into 99 awards to provide greater flexibility during the coronavirus pandemic.
The temporary schedule gives employees:
– 2 weeks of unpaid pandemic leave
– the ability to take twice as much annual leave at half their normal pay if their employer agrees
The schedule applies from an employee’s first full pay period on or after 8 April 2020 until 30 June 2020.
The Fair Work Commission has also made other temporary changes to some awards to provide more flexibility during the coronavirus outbreak.
For more details of the recent updates, view the website.
The Fair Work Commission is also in the process of carrying out its annual review of minimum wages. A decision is expected sometime in June.
With the restrictions easing, Safe Work Australia provides a hub of work health and safety guidance and tools that Australian workplaces can use to manage health and safety risks related to COVID-19.
We look forward to getting back in the office from June.
- Published in News from the PP Team
Returning to the Workplace
We are hopeful that with the easing of restrictions we will see a little business confidence return. We are already planning to be back in the office from June.
We have taken this time to focus on those ‘work in progress’ tasks and really had a great outcome. We want to be ready to move when the market does so please make sure to reach out to us now in preparation.
With the restrictions easing, the safety of our stakeholders is always our priority, we will continue to ensure everyone is working together to protect and minimise the impact of the virus in the workplace. We installed these glass partitions last week. Don’t they look great!
We look forward to the next few months!
#peninsulapersonnel #inthistogether #keeepingitlocal #partnershipswithPP
- Published in News from the PP Team
Mastering Time Management

Ok, we have the set up right but now we need to make sure we are working well, have the systems in place so we can focus and set appropriate boundaries that accomodate to our family and lives.
These will be unique to you and your needs, you get to create it yourself with some input from family and work.
Here are some of our key tips to Mastering Time Management:
1. Create a Clear Start and Finish Time Each Day (with set boundaries)
This can vary from day to day but needs to be something you adhere to. Talk it over with the people you share your home space with and come to an agreement around work time and availability and stick to it wherever possible. Try to minimise interruptions to your workflow from workmates and family, to do this you need to let people know your timetable, maybe share your calendar and block out times you are not available and schedule in times for interruptions. If someone interrupts when you have a working block ask them if it is truly urgent and can’t be addressed at 3pm or after 5pm when you are taking a break or are finished for the day, you need to set boundaries.
It is suggested that you take a 10-20 minute break in the morning and afternoon as well a lunch break. Take a walk, grab a tea or coffee, do a little yoga or stretching, read, even walk the dog.
2. Discuss Your Working Arrangements with Your Employer/Manager
This will enable you to clarify what hours they expect you to be online and available. Establish email and text message response times, mention to them times you don’t want to be interrupted and advise the timetable you were hoping to work to that will suit you and your family.
Even establish a weekly meeting schedule with the team this way people can save a lot of their questions till this time which will mean a lot less interruptions to your day/week. Clearly there will always be some interruptions but if you establish some of these ground rules up front it will help to ensure the best productivity for you and expectations and goals will be met.
3. Keep Work in Your Workspace
This allows you to leave work behind and relax after work at home. The ideal workspace would be in a seperate room with a door so you can close yourself off form visual and audible distractions. However, if this isn’t possible try to create a barrier from visual distractions, ideally you won’t be looking out a window or have people walking past you and you shouldn’t be able to see the tv. If you can’t get away from noise then you need to block it out, maybe wear headphones that have white noise in the background i.e waterfalls. In this workspace you should also have your own stationary and filing cabinets and stacking trays that no one else is allowed to use.
4. Ensure You Have the Necessary Equipment to Be Productive, Focused and Complying to Safety Standards
Spend a little money to ensure you have the best equipment. Adding memory, getting a new monitor, chair or updating your keyboard and mouse to a more ergonomic one, will benefit you greatly.
5. Fill in Your Usual Commute Time to Transition From Work to Home
Now that you don’t have the commute to and from work, you need to still allow for this time at home (calm down). Find an activity for yourself that allows you to do this so for 30 minutes after work before joining the household and starting the jobs that are waiting. Take this time for yourself to read, watch something on Netflix, sit and leisurely drink a cup of tea, what ever you need.
- Published in News from the PP Team
The New Business Casual
I think we can all say the ironing pile has been scarce in the last few weeks. It does seem odd not having to dress up for a day in the office.
We have spent our lives dressing formally (to be taken seriously), but with everyone working from home, casual attire has become the new norm.
I remember when Richard Branson (Virgin Group) cut his suit tie to represent the change from business formal to casual. A recent study from Indeed found that casual dress has increased from 32 to 50 percent in the past five years. While ‘casual Fridays’ are the norm in most industries. The future is difficult to predict, who knows, maybe this pandemic may end business formal attire for some, for good.
In the meantime, we have a few ‘hot tips’ for maintaining routine and structure in your home office environment. Before logging in on your computers for the day, try and ensure you have comfortable attire on that isn’t your activewear you’ve had on since the crack of dawn or for some still their pyjamas. Find that clean crisp t-shirt or blouse and those comfy work pants you are so familiar with (may seem like a lifetime ago). Look in the mirror and smile, you’re ready to start a productive day and dressed somewhat the part.
- Published in News from the PP Team
Staying at home this Anzac Day
lest we forget
For the first time in almost a century, streets will be empty across Australia this Anzac Day.
With the COVID-19 pandemic forcing services and marches to be cancelled, and residents urged to stay home, it will be a very different Anzac Day. Australians are being encouraged to stand at the end of their driveways or on their balconies and light up the dawn at 6am to commemorate those who served, those who died and those who are still serving.
A service will be broadcast live from the Australian National War Memorial in Canberra on the ABC from 5.30am. There will also be a 10am closed service from Sydney. Both services can also be streamed live on the RSL NSW Facebook page.
It may be even a good idea to make homemade Anzac biscuits
#Anzacathome #Anzacspirit #lightupthedawn
- Published in News from the PP Team, Uncategorized
It’s Friday, which means it’s the end of the work week and it’s also the end of the first month of 2020! If your New Year resolutions are not completely on track, don’t be discouraged. Remember not to let your fears hold you back—in your career or your life! Endings are opportunities for new beginnings. Take the weekend to recharge, rejuvenate, and reflect on what you really want. ‘It’s not what you say out of your mouth that determines your life, it’s what you whisper to yourself that has the most power’ – Robert T. Kiyosaki. Have a safe and wonderful weekend.
Walk confidently, Team Peninsula Personnel
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